International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2023
Developing of Student Workbooks (LKS) Based on Relating, Experiencing, Applying, Cooperating and Transferring (REACT) to Facilitate Mathematical Connection Ability of Junior High School Students
Author(s): Arief Fajar, Risna Lavani, Restu Urbasyah, Zainal Abidin Arief, Rudi Hartono
This research contains the Developing Student Workbook (LKS) as a REACT (Relating, Experience, Applying, Cooperating, and Transferring) based teach material as a learning model to improve student's mathematical connections abilities. the background of this research is because there are still many teach materials in the form of LKS that are not suitable to meet the needs of student's mathematical connections abilities in learning mathematics. In facts, the abilities of mathematical connections is very important because it helps in the formation of students perceptions in mastering concepts and solved problem-solving tasks through the relationship of mathematical concepts with concepts in other disciplines. the purpose of this study is to develop REACT model-based LKS as a valid, practical, and effective teach material to improve students’ mathematics connections skills. this research is development research (R&D) with the ADDIE model. the subjects in this study were students of class VII MTs. the data collections technique used consists of a questionnaire deployments technique to obtain data on the validity and practicality of LKS and a test technique to obtain data related to mathematical connection abilities after using REACT model-based LKS. The data analysis technique used is a qualitative descriptive analysis technique in processing qualitative data on the questionnaire for the improvements of LKS and technical quantitative descriptive analysis in processing data in the form of numbers and percentages to describe the results of the questionnaire test and validation test, practicality, and effectiveness. the results showed that the REACT learning model-based LKS is valid, practical, and effective to facilitate students' mathematical connections abilities in the mathematics learning process.
Keywords: LKS, REACT Model, Mathematical Connection Capabilities
Pages: 135-140
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