E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 2, 2023

Current status of strategic planning of FLC Group in Vietnam

Author(s): Hoang Vu Dang Ha, Vo Khac Truong Thanh, Tran Trieu Quan


In the current growing social trend, the domestic and international economies are undergoing many changes. Enterprises are the direct part that must race with that change. There are reasons related to the existence and development of an enterprise such as a decrease in market share, a decrease in profits, etc., which cause enterprises to constantly strive to maintain their position in the market. The problem of researching business strategies in an enterprise is very important and necessary, so that the business can build a position and brand in the market. With the open-door policy in the market economy has put the business in front of a fierce competition, the business is under great pressure from many sides in the market. To survive and develop themselves, businesses must find positive solutions to be able to develop their business, increase revenue and profit, and maintain their reputation and position in the market. In order to help with reference as well as research on the management strategy of an organization, our team has carried out this topic to better understand the strategic activities of the company and especially the strategic activities of the company. management strategy that the company is applying today.

Keywords: Strategic Planning, FLC, Vietnam

Pages: 113-124

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