International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2023
Marketing Communication Penetration Strategy Wuling Motors Indonesia in Acceleration Government Electrification Program
Author(s): Idris Kusumanegara, Hilmannur Badruzaman, Rangga Gumelar
This research discusses the marketing communication penetration strategy used by Wuling Motors Indonesia in accelerating the government's electrification program. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method and an interpretivism communication paradigm to understand the marketing communication strategy used by Wuling Motors and how potential consumers respond to the strategy.
This research shows that Wuling Motors Indonesia successfully implemented an effective marketing communication penetration strategy in promoting their electric car in Indonesia. Wuling Motors was able to utilize their position as the sole brand agent of electric cars to increase consumer awareness of the benefits of using electric cars, including cost savings and a cleaner environment.
Meanwhile, the government can also benefit from the electrification acceleration program through subsidies to waive the purchase cost of electric cars, which can help reduce air pollution and bring Indonesia towards more modern and sustainable technological advancements. Prospective buyers also benefit from this program, as they can enjoy the subsidy facility through a reduction in the purchase price of Wuling Air EV units. In the long run, the adoption of electric cars can also help reduce Indonesia's dependence on fossil fuels and increase national energy independence. In conclusion, this article shows that Wuling Motors Indonesia's marketing communication penetration strategy in accelerating the government's electrification program can provide benefits for Wuling Motors, the government, and potential consumers. This research provides a broad and in-depth view of the benefits of electric car adoption for Indonesians and provides insights into effective marketing strategies in promoting electric cars in Indonesia.
Keywords: Marketing Communication Penetration Strategy, Wuling Motors Indonesia, Electrification, Interpretivism Communication Paradigm
Pages: 884-887
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