International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2023
Salient Features of NEP 2020: Higher Education
Author(s): Ashok Erappa Umachagi, Tejashwini KC
All children under the age of 14 were expected to get free and mandatory education that was of a satisfactory standard under the National Policy on Education of 1986 and the Plan of Action of 1992. Although though the legislation provided that everyone had access to education, the system's ongoing problems persisted, making it difficult for India's educational system to advance to a global level. The National Policy of Education from 1986 has been replaced by the Government of India's most current education policy, the first in 34 years. The Ministry of Human Resource and Development was renamed the Ministry of Education as part of the new strategy, which brought about a number of changes to the Indian educational system. To develop a new system that is in line with the inspirational goals of 21st century education, the NEP proposes reform and revamping of the educational framework, including its regulation and control. The Universities Grants Commission and the All-India Council for Technical Education are among the significant reforms that the NEP calls for, along with the opening of Indian higher education to international universities. Although concentrating on numerous aspects of education, the strategy also aims to close the technology-education divide. The choice to make mother tongue or regional language the medium of instruction up to Class 5 is one of the major attractions of NEP 2020. By establishing a National Assessment Centre and creating a system like Performance Assessment Review and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development for monitoring the achievement of learning outcomes, the policy also emphasizes the need for formative assessments and encourages peer review systems of assessment. It also provides guidance to school boards to help make learning more modern and appropriate for the needs of the future. The establishment of the Higher Education Commission of India, which will eventually take the role of the current regulatory agencies like the UGC or AICTE, is one of the NEP 2020's greatest selling points. This regulatory framework will apply to all higher education institutions. The policy's long-term goal is to abolish the current structure of colleges that are linked with universities and merge numerous small, financially burdensome institutions with larger HEIs. The NEP 2020 seeks to close a number of deficiencies in India's educational system, and it is anticipated that this policy will help India meet the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal by ensuring comprehensive and equitable access to high-quality education.
Keywords: National Education Policy 2020, Higher Education Institutions, Curriculum
Pages: 724-735
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