International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2023
The Effect of Nurse Empathy in the Assessment Process and Nursing Actions
Author(s): Muhammad Basirun, Dadi Santoso, Sarjono Suwarti, Umi Aminatul, Ela Nurlaila
Background: Empathy in nursing care is shown by the existence of cognitive, affective and psychomotor empathy. The cognitive component is the ability of health workers to understand patients from a patient perspective. Second, the emotional component is the ability to feel the patient's anxiety and anxiety. And third, the clinical action component is the ability to take part as a patient for the actions taken. This study describes in detail cognitive, affective and psychomotor empathy in the stages of the assessment process and nursing actions.
Methods: Systematic literature review, following database: Google search, NCBI, ResearchGate, PubMed, between 2010- 2022. Qualitative assessment was applied using Giacomini and Cook's criteria.
Results: It was found that there were 39 articles discussing the effect of empathy on the process of improving and facilitating nursing assessments and actions that lead to patient recovery.
Conclusions: An empathetic approach will facilitate the assessment process and nursing actions.
Keywords: Effect, Benefit, Empathy, Care, Nursing, Patient
Pages: 679-683