International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2023
Effect of NPS and NPSB Fertilizers and their Rates on Yield and Yield Components of Barley in Gedeb, Southern Ethiopia
Author(s): Mulugeta Habte, Atinafu Assefa
Improving the use of balanced nutrition based on actual limiting nutrients for specific site is a crucial issue for sustainable barley production in South Nations Nationalities and People Ronal State (SNNPRS). On farm experiment was conducted on two farmers’ field in 2016 and 2017 cropping seasons to validate NPS and NPSB blended fertilizers and determine their rates for barley production in Gedeb woreda of SNNPRS. The experiment consisted of nine treatments, including control (no fertilizer)(T1); four rates of NPS at 46 kg N. 23.5 kg P, 10 kg S/ha (T2), 69 kg N, 31 kg P, 13 kg S/ha(T3), 92 kg N, 39 kg P, 17 kg S/ha (T4), 92 kg N, 23.5 kg P, 10 kg S/ha (T5); and four rates of NPSB at 46 kg N, 23.5 kg P, 10 kg S, 1.07 kg B/ha(T6), 69 kg N, 31 kg P, 13 kg S, 1.4 kg B /ha (T7), 92 kg N, 39 kg P, 17 kg S, 1.7 kg B/ha(T8) 92 kg N, 23.5 kg P, 10 kg S, 1.07 kg B/ha (T9) were laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. In addition, except the absolute control all plots received 50 kg K/ha. Results of two years combined analysis indicated that all fertilizer treatments significantly (P ≤ 0.05) increased grain yield and yield components of barley. Significantly (P ≤0.05) higher grain yield was obtained from application of T5 (NPS at 92 kg N, 39 kg P and 17 kg S/ha) as compared to the T1 and T6. The inclusion of B in NPS had no or negative effect on barley yield at Gedeb. The yield advantage of T5 over T1 was 165%. The highest net benefit with acceptable marginal rate of return (112%) even with a projected input price was also obtained from T5. Thus, application of NPS at 92 kg N, 39 kg P and 17 kg S/ha could be recommended as the best option for barley production around Gedeb and similar soil type and agroeclogies. However, further research is need on individual macro and micro element to identify effect of each nutrient on crop and to verify and demonestrethe finding for wider use.
Keywords: Blended Fertilizer, Economic Feasibility, Fertilizer Rates, Grain Yield
Pages: 561-565