E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 2, 2023

Mitigation Measures towards Projects Cost Overrun in Road Infrastructure Projects Constructed by Local Firms in Nigeria

Author(s): Adigwe Ekene Raphael, Obi Amara Nkechi, Umeh Anthony Chinedu


The study examined the mitigation measures towards projects cost overrun in road infrastructure projects constructed by local firms in Nigeria. The specific objectives are: evaluate the effect of site visitation mitigation measures towards projects cost overrun in road infrastructure projects constructed by local firms in Nigeria; ascertain the effect of interim valuation mitigation measures towards projects cost overrun in road infrastructure projects constructed by local firms in Nigeria and determine the effect of site meeting mitigation measures towards projects cost overrun in road infrastructure projects constructed by local firms in Nigeria. Study Area was South East, Nigeria. The research design of the study was descriptive survey design. The study used structured questionnaire to obtain data. The population of this study comprised of 18 local road construction companies in Nigeria with 116 total numbers of current project in South East, Nigeria. The sample size of 90 respondents was drawn from population of the study which consists of 116 management staff of road construction companies in South East Nigeria. Research questions were answered using frequency, mean and standard deviation. The hypotheses stated were tested using paired sample statistics. The empirical result of the findings show that site visitation mitigation measures has positive and significant effect towards projects cost overrun in road infrastructure projects constructed by local firms in Nigeria (t-statistics (4.09) > P-value (0.000); interim valuation mitigation measures has positive and significant effect towards projects cost overrun in road infrastructure projects constructed by local firms in Nigeria (t-statistics (3.759) > P-value (0.000) and site meeting mitigation measures has positive and significant effect towards projects cost overrun in road infrastructure projects constructed by local firms in Nigeria (t-statistics (4.374) > P-value (0.000). The study recommends the contractor should employ a reasonable number of skilled labor, e.g. technician to achieve good progress, avoids the poor quality or workmanship, and help supervising unskilled laborers on site.

Keywords: Mitigation Measures, Projects Cost Overrun, Road Infrastructure Projects

Pages: 225-233

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