International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 1, 2023
Assessing of Sustainable Development Determinants in Sudan: An Econometric Study
Author(s): Almahdi Musa Attahir Musa
This paper Assessing of Sustainable Development Determinants in Sudan, as proxies by Adjusted Savings (ADJS) rate in Sudan. The annual data used for time-serial analysis in this study is selected from 1992-2015. Inflation (INF), Unemployment (U) and Per Capita Income (Q) are the selected independent variables that were hypothesized to have effects on adjusted savings. Unit-root testing, optimum lags selection, Johansen Test of Co integration. The result findings showed the existence of a short run and long run relationship between the independent variables with Adjusted Savings. Diagnostic checking on the models has further indicated that there is no serial correlation, heteroscedasticity and the data were normally distributed.
Keywords: Assessing, Adjusted Savings, Sustainable Development, Sudan
Pages: 1131-1135
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