E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 1, 2023

The applicability of global management accounting practices in Poland

Author(s): Nguyen Thanh Long


The main aim of the paper is to provide relevant findings on the status of management accounting in Polish Accounting Practices, based on the direct survey with selected companies and experts on the field). In analysis I have used as a benchmark the IFAC statement on Management Accounting Concepts and its description of the evolution of management accounting. To achieve the objectives, we prepared and provided to a large group of professional accountants a structured questionnaire, containing several questions on the status of the practices applied in Poland on management accounting. Findings of this paper are based on the answers given by 300 respondents. These answers point out that management accounting practices in Poland tend not to be complex and sophisticated. Budgeting, product profitability and financial performance measurement remain the central pillars, while other, most contemporary management accounting techniques are sporadically used. There is also little evidence of management accounting concerned directly with value creation.

Keywords: Management Accounting, Practices, Poland

Pages: 1042-1049

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