International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 1, 2023
A Case Study of Grape Production and Varieties in Lashkergah District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan
Author(s): Baryalai Rafi, Din Mohammad Mushfiq, Farid Ahmad Wali, Dr. Ali Ahmad
The study entitled ‘‘A Case study of Grape Production and Varieties in Lashkergah District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan was conducted in Lashkergah district of Helmand Province Afghanistan in 2018. The major objective of the study is to find out and analyze the grape production and cultivated varieties of the district. Out of all 250 villages of Lashkergah district, 20 villages were randomly selected for the study and from every village a total number of 10 grape growers were chosen randomly for interview in cooperation with the leader of the village. Both the quantitative and qualitative data were gathered from the study area. Growing area of grapes in Lashkergah is about 620 hectares, which 50% of the growing area is located in the village of Qala e bost, 20% in Kariz village, 20% in Sarkar village and 10% in Bolan village respectively. Average yield in the district per hectare is about 15 MT. Grapes varieties in Lashkergah Varieties uses for fresh grapes production Varieties use as table grapes (fresh grapes) of Lashkergah mostly contains national varieties such as Hussaini, Lal, Kata, Gholadan and Kandahari. The grape varieties which are mostly grown in the district are Hussiani, Cheshmi GAO 237, Shondakhanai sra 391, Kandahari 236 and Lal Sorkh 736.
Keywords: Grape, Production, Varieties, Training and Pruning
Pages: 899-903
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