International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 1, 2023
Community Empowerment Strategy through "Donation Your Goods" in the Joli Jolan Community (Solidarity Room)
Author(s): Andhika Septiana, Dina Wanda Purnama, Elsa Dwi Prawesti, Extana Rui Arda, Hafidz Al Aziz, Luthfiyah Jasmine, Rama Maulidian Panuluh, Danang Purwanto
The Joli Jolan community is a form of resistance to consumerist behavior in the Indonesia Public. The concept of "barter" presented by the Joli Jolan Community empowers. Used clothing still fit for use is the goal of this community, which is to extend the life of usable items. The purpose of research in this community is to introduce the community to empowering items suitable for use and can be an alternative prevention of consumptive behavior in society. By leveraging technology, this community can introduce how to maintain social relations with the community while providing a positive effect that society can receive through social media, their Instagram accounts, the web, and their YouTube community. This qualitative research involves one informant, the initiator, and the community's founder. Data retrieval carried out our interviews, direct observation, and documentation to collect primary and secondary data.
Keywords: Community Empowerment, Joli Jolan, Consumerism
Pages: 810-816