E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 1, 2023

Bost University Academic Research Policy

Author(s): Dr. Ali Ahmad, Mir Wais Nazari, Mohammad Shafiq Zhman, Amanullah Niazai


Bost Academic Research Policy is prepared for the accomplishment of valuable and fruitful research activities. Unfamiliarity of majority of lecturers related to academic research methodology, absence of lab to carryout scientific researches, low quality and quantity of academic researches throughout the university and faculties and according to current requirements, organization and settlement of national and social necessities of scientific research activities this policy is outlined and it is based on recognized standards. The principle aim of the policy is to achieve and spread knowledge, to conduct highly quality research and to publish articles in standards International Journals. This policy makes sure that the lecturers are aware of academic research methodology in order to perform their academic duties and responsibilities as well as to cooperate the faculties lecturers and other academic institutions throughout their academic growth and consequently to ensure the achievement of strategic goals of concern university.

Keywords: Research Policy, Research Activities, Article Publication

Pages: 794-796

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