International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 1, 2023
Evaluation of the significant of thermal migration phenomenon on the reactive tiny particles micropolar flowing fluid past an elongated sheet
Author(s): TO Ogunbayo, OA Esan, AA Musilim, MA Mohammed, OE Enobabor, OY Omikunle
This article evaluates thermo-diffusion and diffusion-thermo effects on the motion of hydromagnetic reacting micropolar fluid along an elongated surface with lateral mass flux in porous media. This kind of study includes heat and mass transport of fluids which finds regular applications in various fields of engineering and sciences like porous pipe design, groundwater hydrology, brain blood flow, etc. This body of work also presents a report on thermophoretic phenomenon together with viscous dissipation and heat source. The model equations are firstly transformed from partial derivatives to ordinary ones by the use of some similarity quantities and subsequently tacked numerically. The nonlinearity of the involving equations has compelled the use of stable Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg approach with shooting technique to provide the needed solution. To emphasize and discuss the influence of the primary governing parameters impacting on the flow fields, a variety of graphs have been sketched out and discussed qualitatively. Verification of the numerical code with existing data in literature shows an excellent agreement as checked under limiting conditions and presented in the table. It is evidently shown that the material quantity causes the fluid motion to accelerate whereas the suction term reduces the speed of fluid. Both thermo-diffusion and diffusion-thermo strengthen the heat distribution in the system while the concentration profile declines with chemical reaction.
Keywords: Thermo-Diffusion, Diffusion-Thermo, Suction/Injection Velocity, Thermophoresis
Pages: 744-753
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