International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 1, 2023
A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Program on Knowledge Regarding Child Abuse and its Prevention among Mothers at Selected Rural Area, Maharashtra
Author(s): Seema Suryakant Jadhav
1. To assess the level of knowledge regarding child abuse and its prevention among mothers in a selected rural area.
2. To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding child abuse and its prevention among mothers in a selected rural area.
3. To find out the association between pre-test knowledge scores on child abuse and its prevention among mothers in selected rural area with the selected demographic variables.
Material and methods
Quantitative evaluative research approach was considered appropriate research approach for the present study. Pre-experimental one group pre-test post-test research designed is selected for present study. The sampling technique used in this study was non- probability convenient sampling.sample size was 60.
1. Assessment with the level of pre-test knowledge score depicts that 36.6% of the mothers had poor level of knowledge score, 50% had average, 8.3 % had good knowledge score, 3.3%of the mothers had very good level of knowledge score and 1.6% of the mothers had excellent level of knowledge score. Minimum knowledge score in pre-test was 03 and maximum knowledge score in pre-test was 18. Mean knowledge score in pre-test was 07 and mean percentage of knowledge score in pre-test was 11.6%.
2. Assessment with level of post-test knowledge score shows that 21.67 of the mother’s good level of knowledge score, 65% had very good level of knowledge score, 13.33% of the mothers had excellent. Minimum knowledge score in post-test was 12 and maximum knowledge score in post-test was 25.
3. Comparison of pre-test and post- test knowledge scores of mothers from selected rural area of Maharashtra. Mean, standard deviation and mean difference values are compared and student’s paired ‘t’ test is applied at 5% level of significance. The tabulated value for n=60-1 i.e., 59 degrees of freedom was 59. The calculated ‘t’ value i.e., 7.108 are much higher than the tabulated value at 5% level of significance for overall knowledge score of mothers which is statistically acceptable level of significance. Hence it is statistically interpreted that the Planned Teaching Program on overall knowledge regarding child abuse and its prevention among mothers from selected rural area of Maharashtra was effective. Thus, the H1 is accepted.
4. Demographic variable such as age, education, monthly family income, no. of children, any source of information had shown statistically non-significant association with pre- test level of knowledge regarding child abuse and its prevention at P whereas occupation, religion and previous knowledge regarding child abuse and its prevention are statistically significant association with pre- test level of knowledge regarding child abuse and its prevention at p.
From the findings of the study the investigator concluded that structured teaching program has an important role in increasing the level of the knowledge regarding child abuse and its prevention among mothers at selected rural area.
Keywords: Child Abuse, Prevention, WHO, Maharashtra
Pages: 643-647