International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 1, 2023
Skill and Creativity Training in Interpreting Lower Class Thematic Learning to Improve Teachers' Ability to Realize Meaningful Learning
Author(s): Sandra Bayu Kurniawan
The purpose of the study was to describe the professional competence of teachers in packaging meaningful thematic learning. This type of research is qualitative with a case study approach. Collecting data using observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The results of the in-1 research which include interpretation, integration, formulating learning scenarios, and small class trials, based on the analysis of the teacher's ability assessment-1 obtained an average score of 4.2 in the very good category. In-1 includes learning program plans and practice in large classes, based on the analysis of the teacher's ability assessment-2, the average score is 4.4 in the very good category. Stage In-2, succeeded in formulating the steps for interpreting the theme and recommending: flexible learning places, use of manipulative media and materials, evaluation, and student-oriented learning models. The conclusion of the research is that through a learning model in the workplace in the form of job skills training in describing, connecting, and creativity skills, it can be interpreted that there has been an increased understanding of meaningful thematic learning.
Keywords: Thematic Learning, Skills, Creativity, Interpretation, Meaningful
Pages: 508-513