E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 1, 2023

Oppo and Apple 's international marketing strategy

Author(s): Tran Minh Thuong


In today's fiercely competitive market economy, to be able to succeed and gain a foothold in the market, an enterprise must excel in business ideas, market research, price, service quality, capital, and most importantly, the company's marketing strategy. This article provides the basic concepts of marketing and at the same time focuses on a comparative analysis of the trade promotion policies of two leading corporations in the smartphone field, Oppo and Apple. The study focuses on five marketing strategy components that significantly influence the brand extension success, the quality of the distribution strategy; positioning quality; quality product development strategy; the level of advertising investment and market research. The analysis results show that the success of Oppo and Apple is not merely the production of quality products that customers can buy but it is also the brand recognition, product pricing, customer segmentation, after-sales service, etc. Finally, this article proposes a recommendation to complete the international marketing strategy of Oppo and Apple.

Keywords: International Marketing, Oppo, Apple, Comparison, Analysis

Pages: 249-257

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