E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 1, 2023

Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Change of Civil Servants Policy at the Regional Secretariat of the Ternate Mayor's Office

Author(s): Hendra Karianga, Rasty Amalia Faroek


This study aims to analyze the factors of civil servant transfer policies and as well as to find out the implementation of the civil servant transfer policy at the Ternate Mayor's Office Regional Secretariat.

The type of research used in this study is an empirical normative research method as material to initiate researchers in carrying out a statutory, conceptual approach. Therefore, in this research through library research and field studies namely conducting interviews. The characteristics of this study fully use primary data, consisting of primary legal materials; secondary legal materials; as well as tertiary legal materials.

The employee transfer policy is very important for civil servants in expanding and developing talent, meaning that mutation is one of the factors that needs attention in the process of cooperation. The transfer policy is something that is normative in matters of mutation, the regional head's policy in carrying out mutations is realized as something that is absolutely necessary. This research was conducted at the Regional Secretariat of the Ternate Mayor's Office.

The problem in this research is how the transfer policy is and what obstacles are faced by civil servants at the Regional Secretariat of the Ternate Mayor's Office in transferring employees. The purpose of this study was to determine the transfer policy, as well as to find out the constraints in the transfer of employees at the Ternate Mayor's Office Regional Secretariat.

Keywords: Improvement, Work Productivity, Employee Utilization

Pages: 19-24

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