International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 1, 2023
Election of Regional Head Candidates in Simultaneous Elections in the City of Ternate
Author(s): Irham Rosyidi, Mahmud Hi Umar
Qualitative research methodsby using the Anthropological Approach approach which is related to behavior or community preferences regarding the election of regional head candidates (pemilukada) in simultaneous elections in the City of Ternate. The results of the study show that people's preferences in the simultaneous election of regional head candidates in the City of Ternate shows that election of regional head candidates in simultaneous elections in Ternate City in 2005, 2015 and 2020 in 8 (eight) districts namely North Ternate District, Central Ternate District, South Ternate District, Ternate Island, Moti Island, Hiri Island, Batang Dua Island, and the division of West Ternate Sub-District stated that monetary rewards (money politics) also colored the party program and the map of democracy that took place in the City of Ternate. Respondents' responses regarding the existence of money politics showed that the percentage distribution of respondents' answers, where out of 40 respondents (66.67%) stated that the choice of Regional Head Candidates was based on monetary rewards, projects, positions. 5 (five) respondents (8.33%) based on emotional relationships based on ethnicity, religion, and closeness to the mayoral candidate pair, and the remaining 15 respondents (25%) chose based on the capacity of the mayoral candidate and a good work program. That the efforts made by the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) to Suppress the Practice of Money Politics in the 2024 Concurrent Regional Head Election in Ternate City have been carried out in various ways, namely through preventive efforts by the Ternate City Bawaslu in reducing the phenomenon of transactional politics (money politics).
Keywords: Election of Regional Head Candidates, Simultaneous Elections, City of Ternate
Pages: 15-18
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