E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 1, 2023

Estimate the Determinants of Economic Stability in Sudan by Using the Linear Probability Logit Model (1985-2018)

Author(s): Almahdi Musa Attahir Musa


The study aimed to identify the determinants of economic stability in Sudan using annual data on the Economic Stability, GDP, Exchange rate, Inflation, and Unemployment. The study examined the effect of GDP, exchange rate, inflation, and unemployment on the economic stability. The study assumed that there was appositive relationship between GDP, inflation and economic stability. The rate of unemployment had an inverse relationship with economic stability in the Sudan. The study indicates the existence of a positive relationship between GDP, inflation and economic stability, and an inverse relation between unemployment and economic stability. The study recommends the needs for coordination between fiscal policy and monetary policy to reduce the rate of inflation, and support the agricultural sector in order to increase GDP, employment and economic stability.

Keywords: Economic Stability, Probability Model, Economic Cycle, Unemployment, Exchange Rate

Pages: 1-7

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