International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 2, Issue 5, 2022
The Current School's Position as an Academic Learning Institution in the Implementation of Outcome Based Education: A Literature Review
Author(s): Saramie S Belleza, Ronald D Ompoc
The latest paradigm shift sweeping the education system is outcome-based education (OBE). The growing need to produce more capable and competitive learners for a globalized world has resulted in a reform in the education system in which learning is no longer a unilateral process but has shifted its weight to the learners. For successful implementation of OBE, educators should understand the OBE system. All of sudden the traditional approaches should not be thrown away but should be used as a means towards implementing OBE. A commitment not only to provide an opportunity of education, but to require learning outcomes for advancement. A commitment that all students of all groups will ultimately reach the same minimum standards. Schools may not "give up" on unsuccessful students. Hence, Outcome Based Education (OBE) is the new strategy to accommodate these changes. The services and results attained by the student are the most significant aspect of education. The purpose of this review aimed to discover the experiences in the implementation of outcome-based education. It methodically summarizes the implementation, issues and criticism, and recommendations. Specifically, it aimed to determine the experiences of OBE in terms of: (1) implementation; (2) issues and criticism; (3) and recommendations.
Keywords: Outcome-Based education, Implementation, Issues and Criticism, Recommendations
Pages: 699-701
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