International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 2, Issue 5, 2022
A Review Study on Managing Fibroadenoma WSR to Mansaja Granthi and Arbuda
Author(s): Dr. Tapaswi Ramchandra Kale, Dr. Sameer Gholap
Fibroadenoma is treatable surgically also its recurrent entity thus its alternative management have to be focused on. Two conditions described in Samhitas, granthi and arbuda are close to that of lump, but detailed breast-related descriptions of these diseases are not available in the classics of Ayurveda. Mamsaja granthi is explained by Acharaya vridha Vagbhata, can be considered as fibroadenoma of breast. Thus, in this review corelating above mentioned entities in order to enhance knowledge.
Keywords: Fibroadenoma Breast, Arbud, Granthi, Stana, Mansaj
Pages: 502-505
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