E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 2, Issue 5, 2022

Social Media as Virile Channel for the Promotion of African Culture, Values and Ethics

Author(s): Uwaoma Uche, Chidinma Felicia Nwosu, Vivian Okezie


This paper post to explore social media as a channel for sustaining and promoting African culture, ethics and values. The study which hinged on qualitative review of related literature with social relations and technological determinism theory of mass communication revealed among others that African culture and values is seriously eroding away with the presence of new technology. The main problem that necessitates this study is that the older generation and elderly who are the custodians and transmitters of African culture and values are not conversant with the use of today’s social media technology. It is on this assumption that the study is to explore how culture can be transmitted, promoted and sustained by the present generation using their media, which is social media. It recommends an urgent need for review, reinvent and reinvigorate African culture and ethics into social media for sustainability. It also recommends digital elderly mobilization and infusion into online viral communities, Facebook pages, YouTube channels, TikTok and blogs to carry on African culture, ethics and values.

Keywords: Social Media, Promotion, Indigenous Cultural, Virility

Pages: 360-367

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