E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 2, Issue 5, 2022

Implementation of the implementing position nomenclature in the Lampung Province Government

Author(s): Dedi Sonata, Yulianto, Suripto


This study aims to analyze the application of occupational nomenclature at the local government level and to determine the obstacles experienced by the Lampung Provincial Government in the application of the Nomenclature for Executive Position in the Regional Secretariat of Lampung Province. The research used is descriptive qualitative research with research methods using interview techniques, documentation, data analysis techniques, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions and data validity Implementation of this policy has involved the indicators of implementation Edward III (1980). However, the indicators for disposition of the local government of Lampung Province experienced obstacles related to the organizational commitment of each regional organization. In addition, there are several factors that need to be considered again, such as in the document filing process and the ability of analysts to interpret policies. The application of the nomenclature of positions has also been carried out based on activities in the HRM function, but the obstacles faced are related to filing documents, dispositions, lack of understanding of regional organization regarding policy documents, and HR competencies.

In detail, this study recommends suggestions, namely, document archiving must switch to a digitization system, as well as increase the ability of an analyst to be able to determine targets and standards for nomenclature preparation, create rules and procedures, compile, carry out plans and forecast job proposals. In addition, the involvement of leaders in evaluating and conducting regular work assessments must also be able to provide specific tasks, create divisions, delegate authority, create lines of authority and coordinate the work of subordinates properly. In addition, increasing competence must also be able to set standards for improving the quality of ASN, especially within the regional secretariat of Lampung Province.

Keywords: Position Nomenclature, ASN, Policy Implementation, Public Sector Human Resource Management

Pages: 136-143

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