International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 2, Issue 3, 2022
Organizational Culture and Practices of Local Colleges in Batangas Province Towards Academic Excellence
Author(s): Lumanglas Rose Mae Ann G
This research focused on the organizational culture and practices of local colleges in Batangas Province. It assessed the culture of the local colleges in terms of the clan, adhocracy, market, and hierarchy culture. It also evaluated the practices of local colleges in terms of their trifocal functions. Furthermore, the study determined if there were significant relationships between organizational culture and their practices, along with their trifocal functions. The primary issues and challenges faced by local colleges were also identified. The researcher utilized descriptive research, with 136 teaching and non-teaching personnel from three local colleges in Batangas Province serving as respondents. Data were gathered using a validated questionnaire, supported by documentary analysis. Statistical tools applied to treat data included frequency, percentage, rank, weighted mean, and Pearson product moment correlation. Based on the results, it was found out that the local colleges manifest almost the same type of organizational culture. The instruction, research, and community extension practices are all moderately practiced. Findings also indicated that instruction has a significant association with organizational culture. The commitment and interest of the employees are seen to be the biggest challenge faced by the local colleges. Key findings served as the basis for the preparation of an organizational culture-based development plan. It was recommended that the prepared development plan be utilized by the local colleges to enhance the trifocal functions and achieve academic excellence. It was also recommended that parallel studies be conducted among other universities and in other learning areas to validate the findings of the study.
Keywords: Academic Excellence, Local Colleges, Organizational Culture, Organizational Practices
Pages: 323-330
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