International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 2, Issue 2, 2022
A study of class wise net incurred claim for health insurance of general insurance companies of India
Author(s): Kundalia Neeta P, Dr. Prakash J Rachchh
Health insurance is a form of group insurance, where individuals pay premiums or taxes in order to help protect themselves from high or unexpected healthcare expenses. Health insurance works by estimating the overall "risk" of healthcare expenses and developing a routine finance structure that will ensure that money is available to pay for the healthcare benefits specified in the insurance agreement. Present study is based on incurred claim of health insurance by general insurance companies on the base of class of business. Researcher intends to study the claim management of the health insurance by general insurance company and that is done with the help of incurred claim on the base of average accounting ratio in percentage during research period and variances studied with the help of F-Test one way ANOVA.
Keywords: Health Insurance, General Insurance Company, Incurred Claim Ratio
Pages: 492-493
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