International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 2, Issue 2, 2022
Assessment of crop farmers awareness on climate change effect in Kebbi State, Nigeria
Author(s): Akut Solomon, Saadu Umar, Yahaya Kaka, Sani Ibrahim
The study assessed crop farmers’ awareness of the effects of climate change in Kebbi State, Northwest Nigeria. A Multi stage sampling technique was employed to draw a sample of 240 respondents from Kebbi states. A structured questionnaire was used to obtain information from the respondents. Specifically, it determined crop farmers’ awareness, their level of awareness on climate change effect and their sources of climate change information. Descriptive statistics was used for data analysis. The result showed (40.8%) of the respondents were males and (83.8%) married, (72%) had formal education. Decrease in crop yield/low harvest ( = 4.32) was ranked first as the major crop farmer’s awareness on climate change effect. On the overall level of awareness, nearly all (94.2%) of the respondents had moderate awareness level of climate change effects, the results further showed radio (56%%) as major source of climate change information, it was found out that nearly all of the respondents had a moderate awareness level of the effect of climate change. Therefore, the study recommended that efforts should be made to provide early warning weather information to farmers. The extension delivery system and other information outlets should be strengthened to champion the creation of awareness with respect to climate change challenges.
Keywords: Crop Farmers, Climate Change, Awareness, Kebbi State
Pages: 476-481
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