International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 2, Issue 2, 2022
Bio-efficacy of four medicinal plant extracts and a synthetic compound: A comparative study
Author(s): Zabiulla, Nanjundaswamy N, Kusumadevi S, Gulnaz AR, Fares Hezam Al-Ostoot, Salma Kouser, Madhu CS, Shaukath Ara Khanum
In the present study bio-efficacy of four different medicinal plant (Kalonji, betel leaves, flax seeds and miswak) and a synthetic compound p-bromo hydroxy benzophenone derivative was carried out. In the in-vitro antithrombolytic and thrombolytic study hexane extract of miswak exhibited significant activity with reference to stranded drug streptokinase and the a synthetic compound p-bromo hydroxy benzophenone derivative, further antioxidant activity result revealed that methanol extraction of flax seeds has highest radical scavenging activity against DPPH, NO and LPO and methanol extract of miswak have exhibited highest H2O2 radical scavenging activity as compared to the standard, ascorbic acid.
Keywords: Medicinal plant, Benzophenone, Antithrombolytic, Thrombolytic, Antioxidant
Pages: 358-364
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