International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 2, Issue 2, 2022
Flowering and fruiting Phenology of Some Tree Species in Zalingei Area, Central Darfur State, Sudan
Author(s): Nasreldin Adam Ali, Mohammed Abdelmanan Hassan, Mulik Abbaker Ibrahim, Salim Haroun Emam, Abdelrahim Hamid Mansoor, Abuelgasim Abdalla Adam
Flowering and fruiting as phenological events of three tree species in semi-arid Savannah zone Zalingei area were examined over a period of one year these species namely Albizia amara, Faidherbia albidaand Balanites aegyptiaca. According to Adam (2003) five trees were selected from each species to this study. Observations were taken weekly during the year 2015 and included the time, duration and peak time of flower production - Time, duration and peak time of fruit production - Time, duration and peak time of flushing - Time, duration and peak time of leaf shedding. The results showed that Flowers of Albizia amara start to emerge at the beginning of September and continues until the end of November, while fruiting starts to emerge at the end of October and continues until the beginning of April. A flower of Faidherbia albida starts to emerge at the end of October and continues until the beginning of January, while fruiting starts to emerge at the end of November and continues until the beginning of April. A flower of Balanites aegyptiaca starts to emerge at the beginning of November and continues until the end of December, while the fruiting starts at the beginning of December and continues until the end of March.
Keywords: Phenology, Tree Species, Flowering, Fruiting Zalingei
Pages: 314-317
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