International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 2, Issue 2, 2022
A Review of Sustainable Building Materials in Green Structure Environments
Author(s): Amenah E Mohammed Redha
This paper presents the important review of sustainable building materials in green structure environments. To provide energy consumption and large amount of natural resource, the materials of construction utilized in the structure sector have accounted in this time of researcher's interest. Over three decades, the green structure has developed regarding to administrate and technological advance for building sector to provide energy sustainability and resource. Hence, the development of green building materials plays vital role in this field due to the energy and sustainable resource contribution. The development trend and wall materials study of thermal insulation has realized the barricade of power and resource operation on green structure. A review of recycle wastes and plant fibers is improved to illustrate the function of green building materials and sustainable growth throws in advance. The barriers from business and challenges, policy aspect and technical tasks are reviewed properly. In addition, prediction and viewpoints of green building materials life cycle construction are investigated. The review of walls material importance and heat lagging materials from top of observation of resource and energy spending are present and discussed properly in this paper.
Keywords: Building Materials, Green Structure Environments
Pages: 303-313
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