International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 2, Issue 2, 2022
Contextual teaching-learning effectiveness in improving critical thinking skills kindergarten children in Environmental Education Materials
Author(s): Asep Deni Gustina, Henny Djoehaeni
This study aims to test the effectiveness of environmental education learning with contextual teaching-learning (CTL) model and to train students in analysis to develop critical thinking skills. The theory behind the CTL model comes from tectonic theory. This experiment was performed with observation techniques before and after applying the learning model. The sample for this study included preschool children, including 93 children with the CTL model and 119 students with a teacher-centered approach. Data were analyzed using the independent sample tTest and the paired sample tTest with the program SPSS 22. The results show that there is a significant difference in children's critical thinking skills between the experimental class and the control class, and there is a significant difference in the critical thinking skills of the experimental class after being educated. learning environment by CTL model. This study proves that the CTL model can be applied in learning environmental education, especially in preschool.
Keywords: Critical Thinking, CTL Model, Early Childhood Education Programs
Pages: 125-130
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