International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 2, Issue 2, 2022
Assessment of factors militating against youths participation in Agriculture based livelihood activities in Kuje Area Council, Abuja
Author(s): Omabuwa A Tuedon, Sennuga S Olayemi, Bako Hauwa, Olorunniyi Abraham A
The study examined factors militating against youths’ participation in agriculture-based livelihood activities in Kuje Area Council, Abuja. The study was conducted in Kuje Area Council of Abuja. Four objectives guided the study. The study adopted a descriptive research design. Purposive sampling technique was employed to select the youths from the study area. The sample size of the study was 100 youths participating in agriculturally based livelihood activities in Kuje which was purposively selected. Primary data were used for the study; the data were collected using a structured questionnaire and interview schedule, administered to respondents with the help of an interpreter who is fluent in English and Hausa languages. The instrument was designed to capture questions related to all the objectives of the study. Data were analysed using frequency and percentages. Results from the findings of the study revealed that the major constraints hindering youth participation in agriculture-based livelihood activities were identified, as 30% of the respondents have lack of initial capital as their major limitation in embarking on agriculture, 10% shows that their families will not permit them to venture into agriculture and are scared of an attack by herdsmen men due to insecurity. 12% of the respondents’ highlights that the constraints are as a result of insufficient land. 10% attribute their non-participation to lack of interest in agriculture, it also shows that 8% are limited due to lack of infrastructure in rural areas and lack of support from the government. While only 3% shows they are limited due to lack of storage facility. The study therefore recommended provision of credit facilities with less stringent procedures and resuscitation of Agricultural Training Centers across the FCT to enhance youth’s participation in agriculture.
Keywords: Youths, Agriculture-Based, Participation, Livelihood, Production
Pages: 69-74
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