International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 1, Issue 3, 2021
Incidence of malaria parasites among pregnant women attending antenatal in Dutsin-Ma General Hospital, Katsina State, Nigeria
Author(s): Abubakar Sunusi Adam, Hadiza Adamu, Khalifa Jamil Saleh
The study is to determine the incidence of malaria parasites among pregnant women attending antenatal in Dutsin-Ma general hospital, Katsina State between May-July 2021. Both thick and thin films were made and Giemsa stained using standard procedure provided by the NMEP/HJFMRI malarial diagnostic training, preparation and manual. Questionnaire was also distributed to the respondents. Overall, 98 (65.33%) of the 150 pregnant women investigated was found to have malaria infection in which the age group 21-30 had the highest frequency rate (67.90%). It was found that women in their 3rd trimester have high incidence rate of (78.57%), this result showed that respondents knew about Rapid Diagnostic test (52%), Microscopic (36%), Self-diagnostic (12%) and Plasmodium falciparum as dominant specie with 61 (40.67%) and Plasmodium malaria 37 (24.67%). In conclusion, the current study shows a very high incidence of malaria infection among pregnant woman attending ante-natal clinic in Dutsin-Ma general hospital due to high incidence of P. falciparum and respondents had good knowledge of malaria transmission by mosquitoes and prevention by the use of insecticide treatment nets. Following the high incidence of P. falciparum in pregnant women, more efforts are needed in the control of malaria in pregnancy, Regular environmental sanitation and antenatal booking for effective monitoring and prompt treatment of malaria in pregnancy will contribute significantly in reducing maternal morbidity and mortality cases.
Keywords: Incidence, Malaria, Parasite, Pregnant women, Antenatal, Hospital
Pages: 45-50
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