International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 1, Issue 3, 2021
Demographics and clinical characteristics of diabetes mellitus patients in South Indian Tertiary Care Hospital
Author(s): Thumma Vineela, Dr. Shaik Abdul Rahaman
The main objective of this study was to analyze demographic and clinical characteristics of diabetic patients in a south Indian tertiary care hospital. The study was carried out in tertiary care hospital for a period of three months. All the patients were evaluated thoroughly and included in the study. Our study found that diabetes is more prevalent in middle age group people. Males are more predominant when compared with females. Most of diabetic individuals habituated to alcohol habit and most of patients are receiving oral medications when compared with insulin injection. The mean value of age is 58.12 whereas mean value of glucose profile is FBS-173.08 and HBA1C IS 7.15 and RBS is 232.9. statistical analysis showed age, HBA1C, duration of DM, BMI were found to be significant <0.05. hypertension is the most common co morbidity found in DM patients.
Keywords: Diabetes mellitus-1, Random blood sugar-2, Fasting blood sugar-3, HBA1C- Glycosylated Heamoglobin-4
Pages: 1-3
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