International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 1, Issue 2, 2021
The legislative and institutional framework for compliance and enforcement in the petroleum sector in Nigeria: A review
Author(s): Cleverline T Brown
Environmental regulation has become a global phenomenon in recent times due to the impact of poor environmental decisions regarding the human and natural environment. The environment in Nigeria has recorded various negative impacts of such environmental decisions especially because of the extensive activities of the petroleum sector. While it is conceded that laws exist to regulate the operations of the petroleum sector, this article argues that such laws have been largely ineffective due to non-compliance and inadequate enforcement. A review of primary and secondary sources on the subject reveal that the compliance and enforcement provisions in these laws are weak and, in most cases, non-existent. This article finds that the compliance provisions are missing a road map as to how effective compliance can be promoted and achieved. Improving the compliance provisions in the laws and policies and compliance strategies in practice, will promote a more regulated and consequently healthier human and natural environment and save enforcement actions for when all else fails.
Keywords: Compliance mechanisms, Enforcement tools, legal framework, institutional framework
Pages: 23-33
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