E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 1, Issue 2, 2021

Trung Nguyen Coffee corporate strategy analysis using EFE matrix

Author(s): Boleslaw Rafal Kuc, Bogdan Nogalski, Abhishek Misra, Rewel Jiminez Sanctual Jose


The business environment of an enterprise is the set of factors and forces operating outside the business management function of the enterprise that affect the ability to establish and maintain relationships between the enterprise and its customers row. The business environment is understood as a group of policies, institutions, physical infrastructure, human resources and geographical features that affect the performance of the various enterprises operating in it. New entry, growth, investment, business organization and the development of new industries depend on the quality of the business environment. At the firm level, the business environment can affect the cost of production, while at the industry level it can affect the structure and competitiveness of the market. These aspects will be considered in relation to key factors related to business operations such as investment, innovation, labor productivity and sales at the Trung Nguyen group as a leading coffee producer, distributor and coffee shop chain in Vietnam.

Keywords: Corporate Strategy, Matrix, Strategic Analysis, Business Environment

Pages: 15-22

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