International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 1, Issue 2, 2021
Relationship between grants disbursement and the delivery of business studies in public Junior Secondary Schools in Rivers state
Author(s): Kayii Numbara Bari E, Akpomi Margaret E
The study examined the relationship between grants disbursement and the delivery of Business Studies in Public Junior Secondary Schools in Rivers State. Three research questions were posed and answered while three corresponding hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. Correctional design was applied to establish a relationship between the dimensions of grants disbursement and the delivery of Business Studies. The population for this study consisted of 670 respondents (that is, 319 principals, 351 Business Studies teachers from the three hundred and nineteen Pubic Junior Secondary Schools in Rivers State. A sample of 337 respondents (160 principals and 177 teachers) was drawn using the multi-stage sampling technique. The instruments used for data collection were the School Grants Disbursement Questionnaire (SCDQ), which was used to obtain information on grants disbursement, and Business Studies Delivery Questionnaire (BSDQ) used to assess the delivery of Business Studies. The School Grants Disbursement Questionnaire (SCDQ) is made of 20 items developed on a four (4) point rating scale of Strongly Agree (SA-4), Agree (A-3), Disagreed (D-2) and Strongly Disagree (SD-1) (1 point). Also, the Business Studies Delivery Questionnaire (BSDQ) is made of 20 items developed on a four (4) point rating scale of Strongly Agree (SA-4), Agree (A-3), Disagreed (D-2) and Strongly Disagree (SD-1). The instruments were subjected to content and face validity as well reliability test which gave a coefficient of stability of 0.79 and 0.77 respectively. Data gathered for research questions and formulated null hypotheses were analyzed and tested respectively at 0.05 alpha using Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC). Results showed significant relationship between disbursed grants allocated for operation and maintenance, disbursed grants for the provision of instructional media and disbursed grants channeled for development of teachers. Thus, grants disbursed to school contribute in enhancing the quality of education. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others, that government should increase should increase the allocation of grants for operation and maintenance of facilities to improve the quality of instructions.
Keywords: Grants, Provision, Maintenance, Instructional Media, Development, Business Studies
Pages: 7-14