E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 2, 2023

Effect of Municipal Solid Waste on the Growth of Cucumeropsis Mannii

Author(s): Ohimai Anthony, Enuma C Henry


This study investigated the effect of municipal solid waste dump soil on the growth of Cucumeropsis mannii. The pristine soil (top soil) collected from the biological garden at 0-10cm depth on a random sampling basis were pulled into a composite soil sample (stock soil) and put into 23 by 20.2cm perforated plastic bucket to a weight of 5.5kg. The municipal solid waste dumps soil (top soil).Collected from the waste dump site from 0-10cm depth on a random sampling basis were pulled into a composite soil sample (stock soil) and put into 23 by 20.2 cm to a weight of 5.5kg. 0% concentrated soil (control soil) was represented by the stock soil (pristine soil). While 100% concentrated soil was represented by the municipal solid waste dump soil obtained from the waste dump site. 50% concentrated soil was obtained by mixing the pristine soil (control soil) with municipal solid waste dump soil obtained from the solid waste dump site in the ratio 1:1. The seeds were sown to an approximate depth of 3cm in the soil samples. Five seeds per bucket with three replicates per treatment were used. The entire set up was left under the prevailing environment condition for 30days.Percentage seedling emergence was lowest in control [26.60%] when compared to 50%municipal solid waste dumped soil (33.30%) and 100% municipal solid waste dump soil (53.30%). The lowest plant height (5.83cm] was obtained from control while the highest value (6.33cm) was obtained from 100% municipal solid waste dump soil. Leaf area was lowest in control soil [62.18cm2] when compared to 50% municipal solid waste dumped soil [84.5cm2] and 100% municipal solid waste dumped soil (1100.00cm2). These results implies that the municipal solid waste dump soil supported the growth and development of Cucumeropsis mannii.

Keywords: Cucumeropsis Mannii, Solid Waste, Soil

Pages: 1154-1157

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