E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 2, 2023

Industrial Characteristics of Sambal "Ummi" in Pananjung Village, Pangandaran Regency, West Java-Indonesia

Author(s): Junianto, Pirgiawan Gimnastiar, Ahmad Yassin Zuhdi, Andhika Mohamad Syafe'i, Arrizky Achmad Fachroji, Rahma Sabila, Ahnaf Rizqullah, Lufni Fauzil Adhim


This research aims to analyze the characteristics of the "Ummi" chili sauce industry related to the procurement of raw materials, process technology to marketing. The research method used is a survey method with purposive sampling based on the consideration that there are chili sauce products that have additional ingredients for fishery commodities. The research will be conducted from March 1 -31, 2023. The data collection used is the collection of primary data and secondary data. Primary data was obtained by conducting interviews and recording directly with "Ummi" chili sauce business owners. Secondary data were obtained by literature studies derived from journals related to this research. The data obtained are analyzed descriptively. Based on the results of research show that the sambal ummi industry procures raw materials by buying directly from the market and processing cash payments, "cash and carry". The main raw material used is cayenne pepper and the distinguishing additive is squid. The process technology used is still mostly using conventional tools. Product marketing is still limited around the production site and supplied to several supermarkets in Pangandaran. Promotion is done through social media such as Instagram.

Keywords: Raw Material, Chili, Marketing, Processing, Price

Pages: 1098-1100

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