E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 2, 2023

Assessment of knowledge and practice regarding lifestyle modification about PCOD among college girls attending gynaec OPD of selected hospitals

Author(s): Reshma Hanumant Shendge



To assess the knowledge and practice regarding lifestyle modification about PCOD among college girls attending gynaec OPD of selected hospitals.

Secondary objectives

1.    To assess the knowledge regarding lifestyle modification about PCOD among college  girls attending gynaec OPD of selected hospitals.

2.    To assess the practice regarding lifestyle modification about PCOD among college girls attending gynaec OPD of selected hospitals.

3.    To associate the knowledge and practice regarding PCOD with selected demographic variables among college girls attending gynaec OPD of selected Hospitals.

Material and Methods: A Quantitative research approach was used for this study. Research design adopted was Non-Experimental Descriptive research Design.

The samples selected based on the Inclusion and Exclusion criteria in selected hospitals in city. The sample size was adopted for the study is 60 samples by convenient sampling techniques. The study proceeded after the sanction by institutional ethical committee and permission was adopted from the selected hospitals of city. Informed consent was taken from all the participants and confidentially and anonymity was maintained throughout the process.

Tool used for the study was divided under three sections including Section A:

Consent form from samples

Section B: Demographic data of samples

Section C:

1.    Part I: Level of knowledge regarding lifestyle modification about PCOD will be assessing with help of questionnaire.

2.    Part II: A check list is used to assess the practice regarding lifestyle modification about PCOD.

Section B: Description of the demographic variables of girls attending gynaec OPD.

1.  Age: In demographic data according to their age36.7% of the college girls attending gynaec OPD had age 18-20 years and 63.3% of them had age above 20 years.

2. Residence: In demographic sampling totally 35% of them were residing in hostel and 65% of them were residing at home.

3. Dietary pattern: In demographic variable 35% of them were vegetarian and 65% of them were non-vegetarian.

4. Knowledge regarding PCOD: In demographic 91.7% of them had knowledge regarding PCOD.

5. Source of information: In demographic 15% of them had knowledge from mass media, 70% of them had information from friends/relatives and 8.3% of them had knowledge from magazine/journals.

6. Family suffering with PCOD? In demographic 70% of them had family member suffering from PCOD.

Section C: part I

Level of knowledge regarding lifestyle modification about PCOD will be assessing with help of questionnaire Shows that 3.3% of the college girls attending gynaec OPD had poor knowledge (Score 0-6), 35% of them had average knowledge (Score 7-13) and 61.7% of them had good knowledge (Score 14-20) regarding PCOD. Mean score is 13.86 with standard Deviation 4.0.

Section C: part II

A check list is used to assess the practice regarding lifestyle modification about PCO Shows that 3.3% of the college girls attending gynaec OPD had average Practice (Score 7-13) and 96.7% of them had good practice (Score 14-20) regarding PCOD. Mean score is 17.3 with Standard Deviation 1.9.

Association of the study finding with selected demographic variable.

There is no significant association with the knowledge regarding PCOD among college girls attending gynaec OPD. All the p-values were large (greater than 0.05).

There is no significant association with the practices regarding PCOD among college girls attending gynaec OPD. All the p-values were large (greater than 0.05).

Keywords: PCOD, Gynaec OPD, Women, WHO

Pages: 936-941

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